
Illustration of male high school and junior high school students taking English conversation classes

Illustration of an elementary school student (girl) taking an English conversation class

Illustration of an elementary school student (boy) taking an English conversation class

Illustration of a patient (grandfather) talking to a doctor

Illustration of a patient (grandmother) talking to a doctor

Illustration of a patient (male) talking to a doctor

Illustration of a patient (female) talking with a doctor

Illustration of a man who is hospitalized with a fracture

Illustration of a woman who is hospitalized with a fracture

Illustrations of angry people (women) and frightened people (men)
Illustrations of angry people (men) and frightened people (women)

Illustration of a boss (female) scolding or harassing

Illustration of reprimand and harassment (male)
Illustration of a frightened person (male)

Illustration of a frightened person (female)

Illustration of a frightened person (female)

Illustration of a frightened person (male)

Illustrations of various people’s faces (grandfather)

Illustrations of various people’s faces (grandfather)

Illustrations of various people’s faces (grandfather)

Illustrations of various people’s faces (grandfather)

Illustrations of various people’s faces (grandmother)