
Illustration of a mountain climber (male) climbing a mountain

Illustration of a mountaineer (female)

Illustration of a mountaineer (male)

Illustration of a mountaineer (female)

Illustration of a mountaineer (male)

Folding chair illustration

Illustration of a family staying in a tent

Illustration of a couple staying in a tent

Illustration of a family enjoying a barbecue

Illustration of a couple enjoying a barbecue

Illustration of a man who fished a fish

Illustration of a woman who fished a fish

Illustration of a man fishing

Illustration of a woman fishing

Illustration of a man enjoying a barbecue

Illustration of a woman enjoying a barbecue

Illustration of a man who enjoys watermelon splitting

Illustration of a woman who enjoys watermelon splitting

Illustration of a woman who swings with a watermelon split

Illustration of a man who swings with a watermelon split

Illustration of a man who succeeded in splitting watermelons

Illustration of a woman who succeeded in cracking watermelon