work & company

Illustration of a person shaking hands and trusting relationship (female)

Illustration of a woman shaking hands

Illustration of a man shaking hands

Illustration of a man taking a picture with a camera

Illustration of a woman taking a picture with a camera

Illustration of an employee of a beverage manufacturer (male)

Illustration of an employee of a beverage manufacturer (female)

Illustration of an employee of a food manufacturer

Illustration of an employee (male) of a stationery manufacturer

Illustration of employees (women) of stationery manufacturers

Illustration of an employee of a gas company (male)

Illustration of employees of gas companies (women)

Illustration of employees of gas companies (women)

Illustration of a male employee of a gas company

Illustration of a credit card company employee (male)

Illustration of a credit card company employee (woman)

Illustration of a young president and a young executive (woman)

Illustration of a young president and a young executive (woman)

Illustration of president and executive (female)

Illustration of president and executive (female)

Illustration of president and officer (male)

Illustration of president and officer (male)