
Illustration of a male high school and junior high school student cleaning with a broom

Illustration of a man littering a cigarette

Illustration of a woman littering a cigarette

Illustration of a man littering garbage

Illustration of a woman littering garbage

Illustration of a man who works telework or remote work

Illustration of a person (female) who works telework or remote work

Illustration of a man using an air purifier

Illustration of a woman using an air purifier

Illustration of a man smoking in a smoking area

Illustration of a woman smoking in a smoking area

Illustration of a woman who was homesick

Illustration of a man who was homesick

Illustration of a woman who dislikes exhaust gas

Illustration of a man who dislikes exhaust gas

Illustration of a person (man) who separates garbage

Illustration of a woman who separates garbage

Illustration of homeless (grandmother)

Illustration of homeless (old man)

Illustration of homeless (grandmother)

Illustration of homeless (old man)

Illustration of a woman sleeping in a earthen pipe