
Illustration of a man shaking hands

Illustration of a marine sheriff (woman)

Illustration of a marine sheriff (male)

Illustration of a marine sheriff (woman)

Illustration of a marine sheriff (male)

Illustration of a parliamentarian desk

Illustration of a parliamentarian (grandmother) answering in the Diet

Illustration of a parliamentarian (grandfather) answering in the Diet

Illustration of a female parliamentarian answering in the Diet

Illustration of a male MP answering in the Diet

Illustration of the Self-Defense Forces and The Army (Women)

Illustration of the Self-Defense Forces and The Army (Male)

Illustration of the Self-Defense Forces and The Army (Women)

Illustration of the Self-Defense Forces and The Army (Male)

Illustration of a parliamentarian (grandfather) operating a smartphone

Illustration of a parliamentarian (grandmother) operating a smartphone

Illustration of a member of the Diet (woman) operating a smartphone

Illustration of a member of the Diet (male) operating a smartphone

Illustrations of various parliamentarians

Illustration of a parliamentarian (grandfather) answering in the Diet

Illustration of a parliamentarian (grandmother) answering in the Diet

Illustration of a female parliamentarian answering in the Diet