
Illustration of a woman turning around in anger

Illustration of a man turning around in anger

Illustration of a woman turning around with an angry face

Illustration of a man turning around with an angry face

Illustration of a man turning around with an angry face

Illustration of a woman turning around with an angry face

Illustration of a woman turning around with a troubled face

Illustration of a man looking around with a troubled face

Illustration of a man turning around with a troubled face

Illustration of a woman turning around with a troubled face

Illustration of pancreatic cancer (female)

Illustration of pancreatic cancer (male)

Illustration of a woman who does not get too many piles struck

Illustration of a man who does not get too many piles struck

Illustration of a stake struck (male)

Illustration of a pile being struck (female)

Illustrations of people who look at each other and are impatient

Illustrations of people who look at each other and are impatient

Illustrations of people who are awkward and smile wryly

Illustrations of people who are awkward and smile wryly

Illustration of a man laughing amiably

Illustration of a woman laughing amiably