
Illustration of a woman making a lying gesture

Illustration of a man who crosses his fingers and wishes good luck

Illustration of a woman who crosses the fingers of both hands and prays for good luck

Illustration of a man who crosses his fingers and wishes good luck

Illustration of a woman who crosses the fingers of both hands and prays for good luck

Illustration of a man driving away

Illustration of a woman who drives away

Illustration of a man driving away

Illustration of a woman who drives away

Illustration of a man beckoning with a scary face

Illustration of a woman beckoning with a scary face

Illustration of a woman beckoning with a scary face

Illustration of a man beckoning with a scary face

Illustration of a beckoner (female)

Illustration of a beckoner (male)

Illustration of a beckoner (female)

Illustration of a beckoner (male)

Illustration of a person (male) who denies

Illustration of a person (female) who denies

Illustration of a person (male) who denies

Illustration of a person (female) who denies

Illustration of a man who feels the smell and dustiness