Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a hand with four fingers

Illustration of a hand with four fingers

Illustration of a hand making a hand gesture of a gun

Illustration of a hand (par) that spreads a finger

Illustration of an angry person (woman)

Illustration of an angry man

Illustration of a sad man

Illustration of a grieving person (female)

Illustration of a sleepy person (male)

Illustration of a sleepy person (woman)

Illustration of a yawning person (male)

Illustration of a yawning person (female)

Illustration of a man (male)

Illustration of a woman who is picking up

Illustration of a depressed person (male)

Illustration of a depressed person (female)

Illustration of a man waving his hand (male)

Illustration of a person waving (female)

Illustration of a man waving his hand (male)

Illustration of a person waving (female)

Illustration of a man waving from a window

Illustration of a woman waving her hand from a window