Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a woman who loves a dog

Illustration of a man who loves a dog

Illustration of a man who failed to catch a taxi

Illustration of a woman who failed to catch a taxi

Illustration of a desperate woman

Illustration of a man who despairs

Illustration of a man turning around

Illustration of a woman turning around

Illustration of a man who is happy to jump

Illustration of a woman who is happy to jump

Illustration of a woman who sits on the ground

Illustration of a man (male) who sits on the ground

Illustration of a man (male) who sits on the ground

Illustration of a woman who sits on the ground

Illustration of a man (male) who hits the ground and regrets it

Illustration of a person (female) who hits the ground and regrets it

Illustration of a person (male) jumping and rejoicing

Illustration of a woman who is happy to jump

Illustration of a man who is happy to jump

Illustration of a woman who is happy to jump

Illustration of a man (male) running in pain

Illustration of a woman who runs hard