Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of people raising fists

Illustration of a winning man

Illustration of a winning person (woman)

Illustration of a winning person (woman)

Illustration of a woman who smells and suppresses her nose

Illustration of a man (male) who smells and suppresses his nose

Illustration of a man (male) who smells and suppresses his nose

Illustration of a woman who smells and suppresses her nose

Illustration of a man who is surprised to see the documents

Illustration of a man who is surprised to see the documents

Illustration of a woman who is surprised to see the documents

Illustration of a woman who is surprised to see the documents

Illustration of a man who is surprised to see the bill

Illustration of a woman who is surprised to see the bill

Illustration of a surprised person (male)

Illustration of a surprised person (woman)

Illustration of a surprised person (woman)

Illustration of a surprised person (male)

Illustration of a woman who sells aphrodisiacs

Illustration of a man who sells aphrodisiacs

Illustration of a woman who sells aphrodisiacs

Illustration of a man who sells aphrodisiacs