Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a person (man) who only uses a smartphone while dating

Illustration of a woman who dropped her smartphone and cracked the screen

Illustration of a man who dropped his smartphone and cracked the screen

Illustration of a woman who flew

Illustration of a woman who can’t pull out her head stuck in a wall

Illustration of a woman looking out of the ceiling

Illustration of a woman looking out of a hole

Illustration of a man with a face out of a hole

Illustration of a flying person (man)

Illustration of a man who has his head stuck in the wall and cannot be pulled out

Illustration of a man looking out of the ceiling

Illustration of a man looking out of a hole

Illustration of a woman with a face out of a hole

Illustration of a man who came out of a hole

Illustration of a man coming out of a toilet bowl

Illustration of a man hitting his head on the ceiling

Illustration of a man with his head stuck in a wall

Illustration of a woman who came out of a hole

Illustration of a woman coming out of a toilet bowl

Illustration of a woman hitting her head on the ceiling

Illustration of a woman with her head stuck in a wall

Illustration of a woman holding a trophy