Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of Mr. Beppin (man) with dignified face

Illustration of Mr. Beppin (man) with dignified face

Illustration of a person who regrets, jealousy, inferiority (man)

Illustration of a person who regrets, jealousy, inferiority (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (woman)

Illustration of Beppin-san (woman) with dignified face

Illustration of Beppin-san (woman) with dignified face

Illustration of a person who regrets, jealousy, inferiority (woman)

Illustration of a person who regrets, jealousy, inferiority (woman)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (woman)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (woman)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (man)

Illustration of dissatisfaction and embarrassment (man)

Illustration of dissatisfaction and embarrassment (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (woman)

Illustration of dissatisfaction and embarrassment (woman)

Illustration of dissatisfaction and embarrassment (woman)

Illustration of a satisfied person (woman)

Illustration of a satisfied person (woman)