Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a man imitating a bird

Illustration of a man looking through a telescope

Illustration of a man looking into the far away

Illustration of a man looking into binoculars

Illustration of a man who hates cigarette smoke

Illustration of a woman imitating a bird

Illustration of a woman looking through a telescope

Illustration of a woman looking into the far away

Illustration of a woman looking into binoculars

Illustrations of people who rejoice, people who are willing, who are happy, who are longing (men)

Illustration of gestures (women) to make when smelling

Illustration of a man with a lot of likes and dislikes

Illustrations of people who rejoice, people who are willing, who are happy, who are longing (women)

Illustration of gestures (men) to make when smelling

Illustration of a person (female) who trains abs

Illustration of a man who trains his abs

Illustration of an old man (grandfather) holding his head and despairing

Illustration of a man who despairs with his head in his arms

Illustration of a woman who despairs with her head in her arms

Illustration of a man suffering from lack of money

Illustration of a woman who suffers from lack of money

Illustration of a man who despairs with his head in his arms