Facial expressions and gestures

Illustration of a woman who feels abdominal pain on the train

Illustration of a man who has a soul on the train

Illustration of a tired office worker (man)

Illustration of a woman pushing a flat-hit bicycle

Illustration of Dehydration (Women)

Illustration of Dehydration (man)

Illustrations of people (women) who do not have physical strength

Illustration of a faller (man)

Illustrations of people (men) who do not have physical strength

Illustration of a faller (woman)

Illustration of a man who can’t get out of a futon

Illustration of a person (man) who is weak in the morning

Illustration of a child (man) thy with puns

Illustration of a child (girl) who is puny

Illustration of a woman who can’t get out of a futon

Illustration of a weak person (woman) in the morning

Illustration of a man (woman) who is puny

Illustration of a woman who doesn’t like to go to the office

Illustration of a man who is puny

Illustration of a man who doesn’t like to go to work

Illustration of a woman who doesn’t like her boss

Illustration of a person (woman) who is not motivated