
Illustration of bottlenose dolphins

Illustration of Dolphin Trainer (Male)

Illustration of Dolphin Trainer (Female)

Illustration of a giraffe eating food

Illustration of sea lion fur seal

Illustration of an animal keeper (male)

Illustration of an animal keeper (female)

Illustration of a person (woman) who disciplines a dog

Illustration of a man (male) who disciplines a dog

Illustration of a pet shop clerk (female)

Illustration of pet shop clerk (male)

Illustration of pet shop clerk (male)

Illustration of a pet shop clerk (female)

Illustration of a person who loves pets (male)

Illustration of a person (female) who loves pets

Illustration of a veterinarian (female)

Illustration of a veterinarian (male)

Illustration of a veterinarian (male)

Illustration of a veterinarian (female)

Illustration of an animal nurse (female)

Illustration of an animal nurse (male)

Illustration of an animal nurse (male)