
Illustration of a female high school and junior high school student getting a 0 score on a test and getting depressed

Illustration of a male high school and junior high school student who gets 0 points on a test and gets depressed

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl celebrating getting 100 points on a test

Illustration of a person (male) who is tired and sleeping while studying for the entrance exam

Illustration of a person (female) who is tired and sleeping while studying for the entrance exam

Illustration of a newspaper-reading person (old man)

Illustration of a newspaper-reading person (grandmother)

Illustration of a woman who reads a newspaper

Illustration of a person (male) who reads a newspaper

Illustration of high school and junior high school girls wearing gym clothes

Illustration of male high school and junior high school boys wearing gym clothes

Illustration of a male high school student and a junior high school boy wearing a jersey

Illustration of a high school girl and junior high school girl wearing a jersey

Illustrations of male high school and junior high school boys reading manga during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl reading a manga during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl reading a manga during class

Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student eating a boxed lunch during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl eating a boxed lunch during class

Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student with their elbows on a desk during class

Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student with their elbows on a desk during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl with her elbow on a desk during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl with her elbow on a desk during class