
Illustration of a high jump player (male)

Illustration of a high jump player (female)

Illustration of an obstacle race player (female)

Illustration of an obstacle race player (male)

Illustration of a man who defeats a hurdle in a hurdle run

Illustration of a woman who defeats a hurdle in a hurdle run

Illustration of a woman who fails a baton toss in a relay run

Illustration of a man who fails a baton toss in a relay run

Illustration of a player (female) passing the baton in a relay run

Illustration of a male player passing the baton in a relay run

Illustration of a hurdle runner (male)

Illustration of a hurdle runner (female)

Illustration of a sprinter (male)

Illustration of a sprinter (female)

Illustration of a relay runner (female)

Illustration of a relay runner (male)

Illustration of an archery player (male)

Illustration of an archery player (female)

Illustration of a triathlete (male) swimming in the sea

Illustration of a triathlete (female) swimming in the sea

Illustration of a cyclist (woman) who brakes suddenly

Illustration of a bicycle ride (male) with a hand signal (hand sign)