
Illustration of Taekwondo players (male) playing a match

Illustration of taekwondo players (male)

Illustration of a taekwondo player (female)

Illustration of a skateboarder (male) caught behind a track

Illustration of a skateboarder (woman) caught behind a track

Illustration of table tennis (doubles) players (male)

Illustration of table tennis (doubles) players (women)

Illustration of a player (male) of table tennis (singles)

Illustration of a player (woman) of table tennis (singles)

Illustration of a surfing player (female)

Illustration of a surfing player (male)

Illustration of a sports climbing bouldering player (female)

Illustration of a sports climbing bouldering player (male)

Illustration of a man running on a skateboard

Illustration of a woman running on a skateboard

Illustration of a male skateboarder jumping

Illustration of a skateboarder (female) jumping

Illustration of a skater (female) jumping on a skateboard

Illustration of a player (male) jumping on a skateboard

Illustration of a shooting player (male) holding a rifle

Illustration of a shooting player (female) holding a rifle

Illustration of a shooting player (male) holding a pistol