
Illustration of a man holding a finger

Illustration of a woman holding a finger

Illustration of a woman with a lot of fat in the stomach

Illustration of a man with a lot of fat in his stomach

Illustration of a man with a shuriken stuck all over his body

Illustration of a woman with a shuriken stuck in her forehead

Illustration of a woman with a shuriken stuck in her forehead

Illustration of a woman with a shuriken stuck all over her body

Illustration of a man with a shuriken stuck in his forehead

Illustration of a man with a shuriken stuck in his forehead

Illustration of a person who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a woman who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a person (old man) who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a man who dies of suffocation

Illustration of a man with a tissue stuffed in his nose

Illustration of a woman with a tissue stuffed in her nose

Illustration of appendicitis and cecum (male)

Illustration of appendicitis and cecum (female)

Illustration of an injured person (grandmother) in a wheelchair and a person pushing a wheelchair (woman)

Illustration of an injured person (old man) in a wheelchair and a person pushing a wheelchair (male)

Illustration of a woman who accidentally cut her finger with a kitchen knife

Illustration of a man who accidentally cut his finger with a kitchen knife