
Illustration of a man cooling his burned hand

Illustration of bed and night urosis (man)

Illustration of a woman who uses soap

Illustration of a person (woman) disinfecting her hands with alcohol

Illustration of a person (woman) cooling her burned hands

Illustration of burn (grandmother)

Illustration of burn (woman)

Illustration of cavity (man)

Illustration of worm and ringworm (woman)

Illustration of leukemia (grandmother)

Illustration of burn (old father)

Illustration of burn (man)

Illustration of cavity (woman)

Illustration of insect repellent and ringworm (man)

Illustration of leukemia (old father)

Illustration of leukemia (female)

Illustration of head bruise (man)

Illustration of chronic sinusitis and purulent disease (man)

Illustration of head bruise (woman)

Illustration of leukemia (male)

Illustration of chronic sinusitis and purulent disease (woman)

Illustration of a man with an eye strip