
Illustration of a fallen person (woman)

Illustration of a fallen person (grandmother)

Illustration of lonely death (old man)

Illustration of a woman with a nosebleed

Illustration of a man who is falling down with a nosebleed

Illustration of a fallen person (old man)

Illustration of lonely death (grandmother)

Illustration of a man with a nosebleed

Illustration of a woman who is falling down with a nosebleed

Illustration of a man who is bleeding and falling down

Illustration of a woman who is bleeding and falling down

Illustration of runny nose (man)

Illustration of nosebleed (man)

Illustration of a woman with a runny nose

Illustration of ear pain and otitis medium (old)

Illustration of a person (old man) who is bleeding and falling down

Illustration of runny nose (woman)

Illustration of nosebleed (woman)

Illustration of a man with a runny nose

Illustration of ear pain and otitis medium (grandmother)

Illustration of ear pain and otitis in the middle (man)

Illustration of itching and pain in the eyes (old father)