
Illustration of gout (woman)

Illustration of a person (woman) who is bruised by a fight

Illustration of a person (woman) stung by a bee

Illustration of facial bruises and facial injuries (male)

Illustration of tooth decay, wisdom teeth, tooth disease (grandmother)

Illustration of tooth decay, wisdom teeth, tooth disease (woman)

Illustration of hypersensitivity (old man)

Illustration of hypersensitivity (female)

Illustration of facial bruises and facial injuries (female)

Illustration of tooth decay, wisdom teeth, tooth disease (old father)

Illustration of tooth decay, wisdom teeth, tooth disease (male)

Illustration of hypersensitivity (grandmother)

Illustration of hypersensitivity (male)

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who fell and fractured

Illustration of a man who fell and fractured

Illustration of an elderly man who fell and fractured

Illustration of a person (woman) who fell and fractured

Illustration of a man who falls over and eats buttocks

Illustration of a woman who falls over and eats buttocks

Illustration of colon polyp (female)

Illustration of pain in the side (woman)

Illustration of an old woman who falls over and eats buttocks