
Illustration of subarachnoid hemorrhage / cerebral infarction (man)

Illustration of subarachnoid hemorrhage / cerebral infarction (woman)

Illustration of subarachnoid hemorrhage (woman)

Illustration of subarachnoid hemorrhage (woman)

Illustration of a person (woman) with acute alcohol intoxication

Illustration of an alcoholic old man

Illustration of an alcoholic (man)

Illustration of a man collapsing from acute alcohol poisoning

Illustration of an alcoholic (man)

Illustration of alcoholic old man (woman)

Illustration of an alcoholic (woman)

Illustration of a woman collapsing from acute alcohol poisoning

Illustration of an alcoholic (woman)

Illustration of a woman in an electric wheelchair

Illustration of a man in an electric wheelchair

Illustration of an old man (grandfather) who is about to fall due to anemia

Illustration of a man who is likely to fall with anemia

Illustration of anemia (grandfather)

Illustration of a woman who is likely to fall with anemia

Illustration of an old man (grandmother) who is likely to fall due to anemia

Anemia (Grandmother) Illustration

Illustration of anemia (male)