
Illustration of a man with a nosebleed

Illustration of a woman suffering from abdominal pain or menstrual pain

Illustration of a woman suffering from abdominal pain or menstrual pain

Illustration of a blowing nosebleed (woman)

Illustration of a woman with a nosebleed

Illustration of a woman with a nosebleed

Illustration of a man with a runny nose

Illustration of a woman who suppresses sneezing with a handkerchief

Illustration of a man sneezing with hay fever

Illustration of a man wearing a mask with hay fever

Illustration of a man with hay fever and runny nose

Illustration of a woman with a runny nose

Illustration of a man who suppresses sneezing with a handkerchief

Illustration of a woman sneezing with hay fever

Illustration of a woman wearing a mask with hay fever

Illustration of a woman with hay fever and runny nose

Illustration of Hay fever (man)

Illustration of an angry elderly man with dementia

Illustration of Hay fever (woman)

Illustration of an angry elderly man (female) with dementia

Illustration of an angry elderly man with dementia

Illustration of an old man with dementia and menopause