
Illustration of virus infection (woman) on a train

Illustration of virus infection (man) on a train

Illustration of a person (woman) who flies a virus by sneezing

Illustration of a sneezing person (man)

Illustration of a man wearing a mask and speaking

Illustration of a man wearing a mask

Illustration of a man vomiting

Illustration of a person vomiting (woman)

Illustration of a man who vomits blood

Illustration of a person (woman) who vomits blood

Illustration of a man vomiting painfully

Illustration of a person (woman) vomiting painfully

Illustration of prescription drugs

Illustration of a man with abdominal pain

Illustration of a woman with abdominal pain

Illustration of a man in the hospital talking to a nurse
Illustration of a man who is hospitalized with a fracture

Illustration of a woman in the hospital talking to a doctor

Illustration of a man in the hospital talking to a nurse

Illustration of a working person (man) who smokes

Illustration of a woman who smokes

Illustration of a man who smokes