
Illustration of a man looking at it with a squint

Illustration of a woman looking at with a squint

Illustration of myopia and undersbyopia (female)

Illustration of myopia and undersbyopia (male)

Illustration of myopia and undersbyopia (female)

Illustration of myopia and undersbyopia (male)

Illustration of a woman who is sick and collapsed

Illustration of a man who is unwell and is lying down

Illustration of a woman who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a man who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a woman who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a man who feels palpitations and anxiety

Illustration of a nurse (woman) wiping the patient’s body

Illustration of a nurse (woman) wiping the patient’s body

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who falls over

Illustration of a man (male) who falls over

Illustration of a grandfather who falls over

Illustration of a woman who falls over
Illustration of a person (female) who feels nauseous

Illustration of a person (male) who is nauseous

Illustration of a person (female) who feels nauseous

Illustration of a person (male) who is nauseous