
Illustration of children and teachers discussing

Illustration of children discussing

Illustration of children chasing after each other

Illustration of a child (girl) making a peace sign

Illustration of a child (boy) making a peace sign

Illustration of children banzai

Illustration of a parent and child (woman) bathing

Illustration of parent and child (male) bathing

Illustration of a person jumping and rejoicing and a child (boy) soaring

Illustration of a child (girl) jumping and rejoicing and soaring

Illustration of elementary school students having a discussion

Illustration of an elementary school student (girl) having an interview with a teacher

Illustration of an elementary school student (boy) having an interview with a teacher

Illustration of a seated elementary school girl

Illustration of a seated elementary school boy

Illustration of a mother shouldering her child

Illustration of a person (grandfather) shouldering a baby

Illustration of a person (grandmother) shouldering a baby

Illustration of a father shouldering a child

Illustration of a baby moving at breakneck speed

Illustration of a baby who is evil

Illustration of a baby crawling and moving