
Illustration of mother who made dinner and family surrounding the table

Illustration of a guardian and monster parents (woman) who complains only

Illustration of a child-guarding grandmother (woman)

Illustration of a child-guardian (man)

Illustration of a man child-guarding old man

Illustration of a child guardian (woman)

Illustration of a man sighing in the toilet

Illustration of a woman sighing in the toilet

Illustrations of children seeing off their mother

Illustration of an old man (woman) greeting children

Illustration of an old man (woman) playing with children

Illustrations of children seeing off their father

Illustration of an old man (man) greeting children

Illustration of an old man playing with children

Illustration of a man playing with a child

Illustration of a woman playing with children

Illustration of a man playing with children

Illustration of a man playing with a child

Illustration of a father greeting his children

Illustration of a father greeting a child (son)

Illustration of a mother greeting her child (son)

Illustration of a mother greeting her children