
Illustration of a bridegroom and a mother-in-law fighting

Illustration of a bride and a 舅 fighting

Illustration of a bride and mother-in-law fighting

Illustration of a bridegroom and a man in a fight

Illustration of a bride and a 舅 fighting

Illustration of a bride and mother-in-law fighting

Illustration of a bridegroom and a mother-in-law fighting

Illustration of a good bride and mother-in-law

Illustration of a good wife and a 舅

Illustration of a good bridegroom and mother-in-law

Illustration of a good groom and a 舅

Illustration of a bad son-in-law and a 舅

Illustration of a bad bridegroom and mother-in-law

Illustration of a bad wife and a 舅

Illustration of a bad bride and mother-in-law

Illustration of a bad son-in-law and a 舅

Illustration of a bad bridegroom and mother-in-law

Illustration of a bad wife and a 舅

Illustration of a bad bride and mother-in-law

Illustration of a child (boy) washing his father’s back in the bath

Illustration of a child (girl) washing the father’s back in the bath

Illustration of parent and child asking Santa Claus for a present