
Illustration of programmer and IT engineer (male)

Illustrations by game creators and game designers (female)

Illustration by game creator and game designer (male)

Illustration of a baseball referee (woman)

Illustration of a baseball referee (male)

Illustration of sports photographer (female)

Sports Photographer (Male) Illustration

Professional Gamer (Female) Illustrations

Professional Gamer (Male) Illustrations

Professional Gamer (Female) Illustrations

Professional Gamer (Male) Illustrations

Illustration of a player (female)

Illustration of a player (male)

Keyboard synthesizer illustration

Illustration of a racing cart player racing

Racing kart illustration

Illustration of the video playback screen

Illustration of YouTuber (Female)

Illustration of YouTuber (Male)

Illustration of noh performers

Illustration of noh performers

Illustration of geisha (female)