
Illustration of a person bathing in a hot spring (grandfather)

Illustration of people bathing in hot springs

Illustration of a man bathing in a hot spring

Illustration of a person (female) bathing in a hot spring

Illustration of people bathing in hot springs (women)

Illustration of people bathing in hot springs (male)

Illustration of a family in a car

Illustration of a man packing his suitcase

Illustration of a woman packing in a suitcase

Illustration of a man thinking about life design

Illustration of a woman thinking about life design

Illustration of a man drifting on a raft

Illustration of a man drifting on a raft

Illustration of a passenger on a passenger ship

Illustration of passengers on a passenger ship

Illustration of passengers (elderly people) on a passenger ship

Illustration of a man (male) who rides a raft and aims for his destination

Illustration of a woman on a raft aiming for her destination

Illustration of a man traveling on a raft

Illustration of a woman traveling on a raft

Illustration of a man who goes on a business trip

Illustration of a woman who goes on a business trip