
Illustration of a therapist (male) doing an oil massage

Illustration of a therapist (female) doing oil massage

Illustration of a man dressed in front of a mirror

Illustration of a woman dressed in front of a mirror

Illustration of a person (female) washing his face

Illustration of a person (male) washing his face

Illustration of a woman wearing makeup

Illustration of a person wearing makeup (grandmother)

Illustration of a shaver (male)

Illustration of a shaver (grandfather)

Illustration of a man brushing his teeth

Illustration of a woman brushing her teeth
Illustration of a woman looking in a mirror

Illustration of a man looking in the mirror

Illustration of a man using a facial device

Illustration of a woman using a facial device

Illustration of a woman changing makeup in the toilet

Illustration of a woman changing makeup in the toilet

Illustration of a woman who paints white

Illustration of a woman applying foundation

Illustration of a woman applying eyeshadow

Illustration of a woman moisturizing the skin