
Illustration of a woman applying mascara

Illustration of a woman applying a manicure

Illustration of a man who sets his hair

Illustration of a woman brushing her long hair

Illustration of a man shaving with an electric shave

Illustration of a woman applying lipstick

Illustration of a woman applying lip balm

Illustration of a woman who cares for her skin

Illustration of a woman wiping her face with a towel

Illustration of a man shaving with a shave

Illustration of a person (man) applying lipstick

Illustration of a man applying lip balm

Illustration of a person (man) who cares for his skin

Illustration of a man wiping his face with a towel

Illustration of a man using a humidifier

Illustration of a woman using a humidifier

Illustration of a desperate person (man)

Illustration of a desperate person (woman)

Illustration of armpit hair (female)

Illustration of a person who shaves armpit hair, waste hair treatment (female)

Illustration of a person who shaves the hair of the arm, waste hair treatment (man)

Illustration of armpit hair (male)