
Illustration of a fireman

Illustration of disaster prevention goods

Illustrations of people checking disaster prevention goods

Illustration of a person (male) checking disaster prevention goods

Illustration of a person (woman) checking disaster prevention goods

Illustration of a man removing rubble

Illustration of a woman removing rubble

Illustration of a man who arrived at a deserted island in distress

Illustration of a man in distress asking for help

Illustration of a woman who arrived at a deserted island in distress

Illustration of a woman who is in distress and asks for help

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention drill

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention training (male)

Illustration of a man hitting a time signature tree

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention drill

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention training (female)

Illustration of a woman hitting a time signature tree

Illustration of a woman shouting and cheering with a megaphone

Illustration of a man shouting and cheering with a megaphone

Illustration of a man training to extinguish a fire

Illustration of a woman extinguishing a fire with a digestive system

Illustration of a person (woman) who conducts fire drills