
Illustration of a shy person and blush (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (man)

Illustration of a shy person and blush (woman)

Illustration of a man who gives up

Illustration of a man who gives up

Illustration of a woman who gives up

Illustration of a woman who gives up

Illustration of allergic conjunctivitis (man)

Illustration of allergic conjunctivitis (woman)

Illustration of mosquito disease (grandmother)

Illustration of mosquito disease (old father)

Illustration of a panicked person (old man)

Illustration of a panicked person (grandmother)

Illustration of bed and night urosis (girl)

Illustration of bed and night urology (boy)

Illustration of bed and night urosis (woman)

Illustration of bed and night urosis (man)

Illustration of oversleeping and late (man)

Illustration of oversleeping and late (woman)