
Illustration of a person (grandmother) who lost in pachinko gambling

Illustration of a man who lost a pachinko gambling

Illustration of a woman who lost in pachinko gambling

Illustration of a woman who lies and keeps herself

Illustration of a man who lies and keeps himself

Illustration of a woman with a shuriken stuck in her forehead

Illustration of a man (grandfather) who had a cutlet removed if he had dried his hair

Illustration of a man (male) falling from a stretcher

Illustration of a woman falling from a stretcher

Illustration of a person (male) crushed by pressure

Illustration of a woman crushed by pressure

Illustration of a woman who gets angry when the stock price collapses

Illustration of a man who gets angry when the stock price collapses

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who gets angry when the stock price collapses

Illustration of a person (old man) who gets angry when the stock price collapses

Illustration of a man looking for

Illustration of a man looking for glasses

Illustration of a woman looking for

Illustration of a woman looking for glasses

Illustration of a woman looking for

Illustration of a woman looking for important documents

Illustration of a man looking for