
Illustration of a man sleeping on a train

Illustration of a man in pajamas

Illustration of a woman in pajamas

Illustration of a man who goes to bed

Illustration of a sleeper (female)

Illustration of a man (male) who sleeps in a sleeping bag and freezes

Illustration of a woman who freezes while sleeping in a sleeping bag

Illustration of people sleeping in sleeping bags

Illustration of a woman who wakes up

Illustration of a man who wakes up

Illustration of a drunk person (man) sleeping on a train

Illustration of a drunk person (woman) sleeping on a train

Illustration of a drunk person (man) sleeping on a train

Illustration of a drunk person (woman) sleeping on a train

Illustration of a man who lays down and whistles

Illustration of a woman lying down

Illustration of a person (female) farting while sleeping

Illustration of a man (male) farting while sleeping

Illustration of a person who does not work (female)

Illustration of a person who does not work (male)

Illustration of a napper (female)
Illustration of a man napping