
Illustration of Neet (woman) using a computer

Illustration of Neet (male) using smartphone while lying down

Illustration of a man sleeping in a car

Illustration of a woman sleeping in a car

Illustration of a man drying a futon

Illustration of a woman drying a futon

Illustration of homeless (grandmother)

Illustration of homeless (old man)

Illustration of homeless (grandmother)

Illustration of homeless (old man)

Illustration of a woman sleeping in a earthen pipe

Illustration of a man sleeping in a earthen pipe

Illustration of a woman who slept on a train

Illustration of a man who slept on a train

Illustration of a man who does not give up his priority seat on the train

Illustration of a man who does not give up his priority seat on the train

Illustration of a man lying in a seat on a train

Illustration of a person (man) who does not give up his seat in the priority seat

Illustration of a woman sleeping while leaning on the person next to her on the train

Illustration of people sleeping on the train

Illustration of a man sleeping while leaning on the person next to him on the train

Illustration of a man sleeping upside down on a sofa