Illustration of a person (grandmother) with a bad habit of drinking
Illustration of a woman with a bad habit of drinking alcohol
Illustration of a primitive couple
Illustration of a primitive man (woman) eating meat
Illustration of a primitive man eating meat
Illustration of a woman who doesn’t like vegetables
Illustration of a man who doesn’t like vegetables
Illustration of care worker and home helper (man) who prepares meals
Illustration of care worker and home helper (woman) who prepares meals
Illustration of a clerk (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a person (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a clerk (woman) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a woman who serves, accepts, and provides information
Illustration of a person (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a clerk (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a clerk (woman) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a clerk (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a woman who serves, accepts, and provides information
Illustration of a clerk (woman) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a woman who serves, accepts, and provides information
Illustration of a clerk (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a clerk (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a person (male) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance
Illustration of a clerk (woman) who serves, accepts, and provides guidance