
Illustration of chef (woman) handling fish

Illustration of a woman who has burned a dish

Illustration of a man examining recipes on a tablet

Illustration of chef (male) examining recipes on tablet

Illustration of a man who prepares fish

Illustration of chef (man) cooking fish

Illustration of a woman who failed to season a dish

Illustration of a man who failed to season a dish

Illustration of parents and children cooking

Illustration of a man serving a dish on a plate

Illustration of chef (woman) serving dishes on a plate

Illustration of chef (woman) who failed to season dishes

Illustration of chef (man) who failed to season dishes

Illustration of parents and children cooking

Illustration of chef (man) serving dishes on a plate

Illustration of a woman who serves food on a plate

Illustration of chef (man) seasoning dishes

Illustration of chef (woman) seasoning dishes

Illustration of chef (man) taste of soup

Illustration of chef (woman) taste of soup

Illustration of chef (male) cracking eggs

Illustration of a man seasoning a dish