
Illustration of a man cleaning the kitchen

Illustration of a man using a rice cooker

Illustration of a man baking bread with a toaster

Illustration of a woman cleaning the kitchen

Illustration of a woman using a rice cooker

Illustration of a woman baking bread with a toaster

Illustration of a woman taking food out of a refrigerator

Illustration of a man removing food from a refrigerator

Illustration of hungry person (woman)

Illustration of hungry person (woman)

Illustration of hungry person (male)

Illustration of hungry person (male)

Illustration of a man eating and drinking on a train

Illustration of a couple sharing housework

Illustration of bride and groom eating wedding cake

Illustration of bride and groom eating wedding cake

Illustration of a bride and groom who do a first-bite job

Illustration of a bride and groom who do a first-bite job

Illustration of bride and groom cutting cake

Illustration of a person who can throat and a woman with food stuck in her throat

Illustration of a person who can be pharynxed and a person (man) with food stuck in his throat

Illustration of a person who can be pharynxed and a person (old man) with food stuck in his throat