Medical treatment

Illustration of a blood donor (girl)

Illustration of a blood donor (boy)

Illustration of a woman drowning in the sea

Illustration of a man drowning in the sea

Illustration of a man drowning in a bath

Illustration of a person (woman) drowning in a bath

Illustration of heat shock and accident in the bathroom (old man)

Illustration of a violent person (male)

Illustration of heat shock and accident in the bathroom (grandmother)

Illustration of a violent person (woman)

Illustration of a man who can blur in the bath

Illustration of a person (old man) who can blur in the bath

Illustration of a person (old man) falling in the bathroom

Illustration of a woman falling in the bathroom

Illustration of a person (grandmother) who can blur in the bath

Illustration of a woman who can blur in the bath

Illustration of a person (grandmother) falling in the bathroom

Illustration of a person (man) falling in the bathroom

Illustration of a woman riding a wheelchair on a train

Illustration of a man collapsing on a train

Illustration of a man who is attacked by abdominal pain on a train

Illustration of a woman complaining of ill health on a train