
Illustration of a fisherman (female)

Illustration of a fisherman (male)

Illustration of a man who freezes in the cold

Illustration of a cold and freezing person (woman)

Illustration of a beach volleyball player (male) receiving

Illustration of a beach volleyball player (female) doing a rechebing

Illustration of a beach volleyball player (male) hitting a serve

Illustration of a beach volleyball player (female) hitting a serve

Illustration of a beach volleyball player (male) raising the toss

Illustration of a beach volleyball player (female) raising a toss

Illustration of a surfing player (female)

Illustration of a surfing player (male)

Illustration of sailing players (female)

Illustration of sailing players (male)

Illustration of a windsurfer (male)

Illustration of a windsurfer (female)

Illustration of a windsurfer (male)

Illustration of a windsurfer (female)

Illustration of a kayak player (male) rowing an oar

Illustration of a kayak player (female) rowing an oar

Illustration of two men paddled kayaks

Illustration of two women paddled kayaks