
Illustration of a man driving a bicycle while holding an umbrella

Illustration of a woman driving a bicycle while holding an umbrella

Illustration of a woman folding an umbrella

Illustration of a man folding an umbrella

Illustration of a man opening a window and bathing in the morning sun

Illustration of a woman who opens a window and bathes in the morning sun

Illustration of a man fleeing lightning

Illustration of a woman evacuating from rain shelter and rain

Illustration of a woman fleeing lightning

Illustration of a man evacuating from rain shelter and rain

Illustration of a woman drying laundry indoors

Illustration of a man drying laundry indoors

Illustration of a man who is in the rain

Illustration of a woman who notices that it is raining

Illustration of a woman who is in the rain

Illustration of a man who notices that it is raining

Illustration of a parent and child (man) holding an umbrella

Illustration of a parent and child (woman) holding an umbrella

Illustration of a child (girl) holding an umbrella

Illustration of a child (girl) holding an umbrella

Illustration of a woman holding an umbrella

Illustration of a child (boy) holding an umbrella