
Illustration of a weather forecaster (male)

Illustration of a weather forecaster (female)

Illustration of a weather forecaster (female)

Illustration of a weather forecaster (male)

Illustration of couple with a combination umbrella

Illustration of a couple holding an umbrella

Illustration of a couple of high school and junior high school students holding an umbrella

Illustration of couple with a combination umbrella

Illustration of a woman walking with an umbrella

Illustration of a man walking with an umbrella

Illustration of a man walking with a parasol

Illustration of a woman walking with a parasol

Illustration of a person, heartbreak, and disappointment (male) struck by rain

Illustration of a person, heartbreak, and disappointment (woman) struck by rain

Illustration of a person, heartbreak, and disappointment (male) struck by rain

Illustration of a person, heartbreak, and disappointment (woman) struck by rain

Illustration of a reporter (male) reporting in a typhoon

Illustration of a reporter (female) reporting in a typhoon

Illustration of a woman walking in a strong wind

Illustration of a man who is likely to be blown away by a strong wind

Illustration of a man walking in a strong wind

Illustration of a woman who is likely to be blown away by a strong wind