
Illustration of a woman warming up with a stove

Illustration of people warming up with stove

Illustration of a man warming up with a stove

Illustration of first snowfall and snowfall (male)

Illustration of first snowfall and snowfall (female)

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention drill

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention training (male)

Illustration of a man hitting a time signature tree

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention drill

Illustration of fire watch and disaster prevention training (female)

Illustration of a woman hitting a time signature tree

Illustration of a man using a humidifier

Illustration of a woman using a humidifier

Illustration of a cold bathroom (grandmother)

Illustration of cold bathroom (old old)

Illustrations of children making snowmen and enjoying themses

Illustration of a collapsed snowman

Illustrations of children sorry for the snowman’s collapse

Illustration of a Snowman

Illustrations of children enjoying a Christmas party

Illustration of a child (girl) who doubts the identity of Santa Claus

Illustration of a child (boy) who doubts the identity of Santa Claus