
Illustration of a plumber (female)

Illustration of a plumber (male)

Illustration of a painter (male)

Illustration of a painter (female)

Illustration of a woman paying a heavy loan

Illustration of a man paying a heavy loan

Illustration of a man assessing an apartment

Illustration of a woman assessing an apartment

Illustration of a woman assessing a house

Illustration of a man assessing a house

Illustration of family seized home

Illustration of a family moving to a new house

Illustration of a moving company (male)

Illustration of a moving company (female)

Illustration of a woman preparing to move

Illustration of a man preparing to move

Illustration of moving and luggage arrangement (female)

Illustration of moving and luggage arrangement (male)

Illustration of a person (male) who rehydrates

Illustration of a person (woman) who rehydrates

Illustration of a person (male) painting

Illustration of a woman applying paint