
Illustration of lawyers and paralegals (men)

Illustration of intellectual property (female)

Illustration of intellectual property (male)

Illustration of a maritime deputy (male)

Illustration of a maritime deputy (female)

Illustration of social insurance laborer, judicial scrivener, administrative scrivener (male)

Illustrations of social insurance and labor consultants, judicial scriveners, and administrative scriveners (female)

Illustration of same-sex couple (female) adopted

Illustration of a person (male) claiming alimony

Illustration of a woman claiming alimony

Illustration of a woman showing evidence

Illustration of a man showing evidence

Illustration of a police officer (man) showing a police notebook

Illustration of a police officer (woman) showing a police notebook

Illustration of a judge (man) describing the verdict

Illustration of parents fighting for custody and fighting children

Illustration of the trial judge system

Illustration of a judge (woman) dinging the verdict

Trial Illustration

Illustration of divorce mediation and trial

Illustration of a tax office employee (man)

Illustration of a tax office employee (woman)