
Illustration of speech, press conference, speech (female)

Illustration of a politician (female) waving his hand

Illustration of a politician (male) waving his hand

Illustration of a banzai (grandmother)

Illustration of a banzai player (grandfather)

Illustration of a man (male) who rejoices in playing banzai

Illustration of a person (female) who rejoices in banzai
Illustration of a man giving an election speech

Illustration of a woman giving an election speech

Illustration of a woman who is making a speech

Illustration of a man who is making a speech

Illustration of a voter (grandmother)

Illustration of a voter (grandfather)

Illustration of a man who votes

Illustration of a woman who votes

Illustration of a man who votes

Illustration of a woman who votes

Illustration of Safety Net and Social Security (Women)

Illustration of Safety Net and Social Security (Male)

Illustration of Safety Net and Social Security (Grandmother)

Illustration of Safety Net and Social Security (Grandfather)

Illustration of Safety Net and Social Security (Grandfather)