
Illustration of a couple who have a traffic accident

Illustration of an elderly couple who caused a traffic accident

Illustration of a bad student (girl) wearing an embroidered uniform

Illustration of a bad student (girl) wearing an embroidered uniform

Illustration of a bad student (male) wearing an embroidered uniform

Illustration of a bad student (boy) wearing a short run and bontemps

Illustration of Sukeban (female high school and junior high school girls) holding a bamboo sword

Illustration of a male police officer pointing a handgun at a criminal

Illustration of a female police officer pointing a handgun at a criminal

Illustration of a police officer (female) and a robber (male) engaged in a shootout

Illustration of a police officer (male) and robber (male) engaged in a shootout

Illustration of a police officer (male) holding a handgun

Illustration of a police officer (woman) holding a handgun

Illustrations of male high school and junior high school boys reading manga during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl reading a manga during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl reading a manga during class

Illustration of a male high school student and a male junior high school student eating a boxed lunch during class

Illustration of a female high school student and junior high school girl eating a boxed lunch during class

People who cheat (male high school students, male junior high school students)

People who cheat (male high school students, male junior high school students)

Illustration of a man into the grass

Illustration of a man who works late at night